Sy Carter | September 18, 2024 | Car Accidents near Fresno, CA

Insurance companies and defense lawyers often refer to crashes as “minor” car accidents to avoid liability for damages. However, even a low-speed collision can result in injuries, property damage, emotional distress, and financial losses. Regardless of the extent of your loss, you deserve to be fairly compensated by the at-fault driver or their insurer.
Don’t allow another driver to convince you to skip reporting an accident or dismiss it as a minor fender bender. Failing to report a crash and consult a Fresno car accident lawyer could result in losing your right to fair compensation.
Reasons to Hire an Attorney After a Minor Car Accident in Fresno, CA
Minor car accidents are loosely defined as those causing minimal damage and harm, such as rear-end collisions, fender benders, side-swipes, and parking lot accidents. Even a low-impact crash can cause painful injuries, thousands of dollars in property damage, and other losses.
Some minor auto accidents might not require the help of an attorney. However, it is best to consult a lawyer before deciding not to retain legal representation.
Many car accident cases involve matters and issues that need to be addressed by an attorney, as discussed below.
You Sustained Injuries
Insurance companies frequently try to downplay injuries sustained in minor collisions. However, your injuries may be more severe than you realize. Always see a doctor after a car accident for an examination. Minor aches and pains could be an indication of a serious injury.
Injuries can result in several types of damages. A car accident lawyer can help you seek compensation for these losses. You may be entitled to compensation for out-of-pocket expenses, lost wages, medical bills, and other economic damages.
However, you can also seek compensation for non-economic damages. These damages represent the pain and suffering caused by your injuries and the trauma of being involved in a car crash.
You Are Being Blamed for Causing the Crash
California is an at-fault state for car accident claims. If you are responsible for causing a collision, the accident victims can sue you for damages. Do not admit fault for a crash without talking with an attorney.
An insurance company might try to shift blame to you to avoid paying your damages. Under comparative negligence laws, your compensation could be reduced if you are partially to blame. An attorney will investigate the cause of the crash to determine who is responsible. If you are being unjustly blamed, an attorney can help you fight the allegations of fault.
You Must Prove Fault
Accident victims must prove that a driver caused an accident before they can receive compensation for damages. Investigating an accident and gathering evidence can be time-consuming and costly. An attorney will handle the investigation for you.
You Don’t Understand the Value of Your Damages
The insurance company will undervalue your damages. It will not tell you if your claim is worth more money. An experienced attorney knows how to assess the value of damages and seek full compensation for them.
Your Child Was Injured
Accident claims for children can be complicated. You want to ensure that your child’s rights are protected and that they receive all compensation available. A child’s injuries could cause impairments that impact their future growth and development.
A Government Vehicle or Employee Was Involved
Car accident cases involving government entities have different rules. The deadlines to file claims may be very short, and you might need to meet specific notice requirements. A lawyer with experience handling government tort claims can ensure that all procedures are properly followed.
Protect Your Right to Fair Compensation After a Minor Collision in Fresno By Consulting an Attorney
If you’re unsure of your rights or need legal guidance after a minor crash, you should seek legal advice from a Fresno car accident attorney. Call us for a free case review to learn how we can help you with a car accident claim.
Visit Our Car Accident Law Firm in Fresno, CA
Carter Law Group
2445 Capitol St #105, Fresno, CA 93721, United States
(559) 485-1212